About Me

Hey!  I'm Tara Chambers!  I thought I would spend the rest of my life being a cellist on Broadway (my dream gig), and teaching piano in NYC!  However, back in 2002, my left first finger turned purple and painful for no explainable reason.  It was incredibly stressful as a musician and -- not fun!  Western medicine had no answers for me as my test results showed a perfectly healthy finger.  THAT was when I placed my health in my own hands, and started to study almost everything under the sun.  It wasn't until I met a healer in 2009, that things shifted in a powerful way.  I woke up the next morning with a happy finger, and 3 days later I won the Radio City audition.  Holy Frickin Dang!  THAT woke me up, and down the rabbit hole I went.  I learned that MOST OF WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT IS NOT TRUE!

While I will always be a musician, I studied various healing modalities and went quantum with them.  (Meaning super fast!)  When we know how to identify and resolve the messages that our bodies and/or life is giving us  -- THAT is a powerful place to be!  It's magical, and THAT's what I want for YOU too!  If I can shift something that was not supposed to be "healable" -- YOU CAN as well!

The TARA in TARA path stands for...


Where do you choose to go?  What brings YOU joy?  (Hint:  Not what you are "supposed" to do when following the rules!)  What does your SOUL ache to do?  Making a decision or intention is the first step!  Whether you choose to create a happy back or truly follow your heart, rather than the "tribal rules" -- it all starts with a decision! 


When you truly accept things as they are, that opens up the door to new possibilities.  When you love and accept your amazing self as you are, the easier it is for your body to heal.  AND, your dreams start to show up with WAY more ease!


You will literally release and/or transmute limiting beliefs,  DNA ancestral programming, trapped emotions, tribal rules, trauma and more from the cells of our body.  If feels amazing when you can be your true self!


You will fill that space with what serves you such as Divine Love, Light, gratitude and all that is in alignment with your soul's true nature.  When all is in Sacred Alignment -- WOW is all I can say!  You access a timeline of MUCH more grace and ease in ALL areas of your life!

Step Closer Towards Wellness, Sovereignty, and the Highest Path for YOU!


50% Complete

Two Step

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